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I'm a shy, introverted, and adventurous creative who loves to paint nature. Many of my paintings are painted in an illustrative manner and I love bringing in an element of storytelling into my pieces. Outside of painting I also share my artistic journey on Youtube and even dabble with some teaching. And of course, I enjoy anything outdoorsy like hiking, kayaking, and taking nature walks. 


I always knew I was creative deep within me. When I was a wee tot, I loved playing pretend imagining I was embarking on a journey into the great plains or twisted woods. I also loved to draw and paint. Then one day little me discovered I didn't like the scowls and mocking laughter of my creations, especially from those whom I loved and looked up to. So I vowed to never be creative ever again. And I failed because here I am ready to embrace my creativeness after more than 10+ years of constantly pushing down the artistic part of myself. Through my art, I hope to not only bring peace and joy to others but to inspire others to also shine their own light despite what others may say or do. Because everyone is special and magical in their own way and that is what makes the world so beautiful - when everyone is simply being their true selves. 


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